Welcome to the Vauld Enterprise API's!

You can use our API to access our secure endpoints, which can help you create wallets for your users or create lending and borrowing orders without having to create a user/wallet. Welcome to the Vauld Enterprise API documentation! You can use our API to access secure endpoints, which can help you create wallets for your users and get access to our lending and borrowing functionalities. We have language bindings in JavaScript. You can view relevant code samples over to the right in the dedicated dark section as shown. You can switch the programming language of the examples shown with tabs displayed on the top-left corner of the region.
Getting Started
Base URL for testnet

To get access to production URL's and API keys, contact us at [email protected]. The testnet we use for ETH and ERC20 is kovan network.
For you to get started using testnet, test API key and organisationID are provided in each offered API type page's introduction.
For more reading on mainnets and testnets: Ethereum 101: Mainnet and testnets
Testnet and Mainnet addresses are different for some Blockchain Protocols, The appropriate documentation should reflect this when applicable.
Alright, if that's all good, let's get started!
We use HMAC based authentication.

To authenticate the APIs, we create an HMAC hash for the payload (in URI format) using the SHA-256 hashing algorithm using the provided APIKey as the seed. The HMAC hash generated is converted to it's Hex notation and is passed to the response body in the format mentioned below, with the headers set to

Content-Type: application/json.
hmac: _HMAC_Hash_asHex_
Replace   _HMAC_Hash_asHex_   with the hash as described above.
Replace   _Request_inJSON_   with the json payload (request body) required for the API endpoint.
Replace   _your_APIKey_ with the APIkey provided for your Organisation.
To authenticate, use this format:

# You can use any hmac library that supports SHA256 algorithm
# Illustrative code generate hmac for a payload

const CryptoJS = require('CryptoJS');

const jsonToURI = async (jsonObj) => {
    var output = '';
    var keys = Object.keys(jsonObj);
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        output = output + key + '=' + jsonObj[key] + '&';
    return output.slice(0, -1);

const payload = '_Request_inJSON_';
const secret = '_your_APIKey_' // make this your secret!!

const URIencodedPayload = jsonToURI(JSON.parse(payload));
const hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(URIencodedPayload, secret);
const hash = hmac.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Hex); //_HMAC_Hash_asHex_

// Add custom values to request header, e.g.
    key: 'Content-Type',
    value: 'application/json'
    key: 'hmac',
    value: hash
Introduction - Fiat <> Crypto Trading APIs
These set of APIs are for enterprises looking to integrate FIAT rails in India. They provide the ability to create an INR wallet for users, deposit INR to the wallet, and buy and sell cryptocurrencies with the deposited INR amount. They allow users to deposit INR via Cards/UPI/NEFT/IMPS/RTGS, and to withdraw INR to any bank account in 1 business day.

This document outlines the details of the APIs used to:

1. Create a user account
2. Complete KYC for a user
3. Deposit and withdraw INR
4. Buy and sell crypto with INR
5. Withdraw Crypto

NOTE: Prerequisites for using the APIs

1. Contact [email protected] for your API_KEY and orgID
2. Creating a user account is a mandatory prerequisite for all the other APIs
3. Completing their KYC is a mandatory prerequisite for INR deposits/withdrawals and INR Buy/Sell

Base URL:
1. All token values in calls and responses will be in base value.
Token Symbol Base
Bitcoin btc 100000000
Ethereum eth 1000000000000000000
Ripple xrp 1000000
Stellar xlm 10000000
True USD tusd 1000000000000000000
Multi-Collateral Dai dai 1000000000000000000
Tether usdt 1000000
USD Coin usdc 1000000
Basic Attention Token bat 1000000000000000000
Paxos pax 1000000000000000000

2. All KYC documents are auto-approved in 30 seconds without verification in the test environment
3. INR Deposits confirmations are auto-approved without verification. INR withdrawals will remain in pending state.
4. For ETH and ERC20 tokens transaction, kovan network is used in testnet.
5. We dont prefill crypto wallets with any tokens, so please transfer testnet funds to your assigned wallet address for smooth exchange to and from fiat.
6. Fee Structure
Token Withdrawal Deposit Exchange Fees
BTC 0.0004 BTC 0 0.25
ETH 0.003 ETH 0 0.25
TUSD 0.6 TUSD 0 0.25
DAI 0.6 DAI 0 0.25
PAX 0.6 PAX 0 0.25
USDT 0.6 USDT 0 0.25
USDC 0.6 USDC 0 0.25
XRP 0.6 XRP 0 0.25
XLM 0.01 XLM 0 0.25
BAT 2 BAT 0 0.25
INR 0 0 0.25

7. Minimum amount for deposit to reflect is $1 worth of token being deposited.
8. Minimum amount for withdrawal is $5 worth of token being withdrawn.
9. Minimum amount to exchange is at least $10 worth of token being exchanged.
10. All responses will have the following format
  success: true / false,
  data: { //in case of success true
  [JSON data with relevant fields]
  error: { //in case of success false
    message: “Single line error”,
    stack: “reason for failure”
Sample response format : Success
success: true
data: {
  Name: “Rajesh Kumar”

Sample response format : Failed
success: false
error: {
    message: “403”,
    stack: “This user already exists on our platform”

In the documentation below, only the data part of the response will be mentioned.
User Module
Creating user account
Request Parameters
Parameter comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userIdentifier A unique identifier of the user. Can be alphanumeric value. Will be used to identify a user from your end
isCorporate For KYC purposes (Corporate users) true/false
Response Data
Parameter comments
success true or false based on whether user creation succeeded or failed
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Get User Details
Request Parameters
Parameter comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
userID The ID of the user who created the request
kycStatus {
status: failed,
cause:”invalid document”
There can be 5 status:
1. success
2. open
3. failed
4. pending
5. notSubmitted
If failed, cause will also be mentioned Status is open when KYC basic is submitted but Documents are not uploaded
inrBalance {balance:amount, locked: amount}
crypto [{token: “btc”, address:”btcaddr”, balance:”value”, locked:”value”}] 'balance' and 'locked' is in base value, for Eg: 1 ETH will be 1000000000000000000
depositBankDetails {name:”name”, accountNumber:”accNo”, ifsc:”ifsc”, "accountType": "current", "accountConfig": "centralAccount"} Account to which the user should deposit INR to be reflected in his account. accountType can be 'current' or 'savings' accountConfig can be 'centralAccount' or 'van'. 'van' is unique virtual account number given to each user where no confirmations are needed post deposit. For 'centralAccount' after deposits are made, transaction id/reference id of deposits needs to be submitted at '/fiat/paymentConfirmed' endpoint.
withdrawBankDetails [{accountID:”id”, name:”name”, accountNumber:”accNo”, ifsc:”ifsc”}] Array of all accounts added by the user
Get All Transactions
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
txns Array of all transactions by the user
Get Organisation user list
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
Response Data
Parameter Comments
allOrgUsers Array of all users under the organisation
Sample Response:
    "success": true,
        "data": {
        "allOrgUsers": [
                    "userID": "5fb6b1b9643b3500180q409d",
                    "userIdentifier": "test1911"
Individual KYC Module
Complete KYC
The APIs below outline an instant, automated KYC verification process for your users. They will enable you to initiate the KYC process, upload the necessary documents, verify them instantly and complete the KYC process.

The prerequisites for this KYC process are:

1. A valid Indian identity document (Aadhar Card, Voter ID or Passport). NOTE: We do not support driving licenses at the moment.
2. A PAN card
3. A clear selfie
Initiate KYC verification process
This API initiates the KYC process for a user
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
docType User identification document that will be submitted for verification. Following documents are supported 1. passport 2. voterID 3. aadhar
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
success true/false
Request for upload url
This API provides you with URLs to which you will have to upload the user’s document and selfie
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
documentFront URL to front side of selected document while initiating kyc process [passport/voterID/aadhar]
documentBack URL to back side of selected document while initiating kyc process [passport/voterID/aadhar]
selfie URL to upload selfie image of the user
panCard URL to upload PAN Card of the user
Upload images
HTTP PUT Request
1. Upload the images to the url received from the previous step using a PUT request.
2. It is an amazon S3 bucket URL which expires in 30 minutes
3. Image type should be JPG/JPEG and file size should be a maximum of 5 MB
Verify Document
  1. This endpoint needs to be called for all the uploaded document URLs [ i.e for front/back side of the selected document [passport/voterID/aadhar] and PAN Card.]
  2. This endpoint helps in real time document validation.
  3. For example, if passport was selected, this endpoint needs to be called 3 times with following parameter:
    1. doc: passport, frontOrBack: front
    2. doc: passport, frontOrBack: back
    3. doc: pan, frontOrBack: front
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
documentType Document type that needs to be verified. passport/aadhar/voterID/pan
frontOrBack front / back , depending on which side of the document needs to be verified.
Response Data
Parameter Comments
data Data that was machine read from the uploaded document.
Verify Selfie
This endpoint needs to be called to verify that the user’s selfie matches the photo in the uploaded identity document
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
data Data that was machine read from the uploaded document.
Instant KYC Approval
Once all the documents [ i.e identity document’s front/ back, pan card and selfie] are verified successfully, this endpoint needs to be called to approve the KYC and successfully complete the KYC verification process. On success, this endpoint also creates a unique virtual INR account number for the user, that is used to deposit money into the user’s account.
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
success true/false
Manual KYC verification flow
As a failsafe, in case the automated kyc flow doesn’t accept the documents, and needs to be manually verified, please use the following endpoint to submit for manual verification of the documents. Approval through this flow can be expected in 30 minutes. Status after verification will be reflected in kycStatus of the user.
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
success true or false
KYC Status
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
status There can be 5 status
  1. accepted
  2. open
  3. failed
  4. pending
  5. notSubmitted
If failed, the cause will also be mentioned. Status is open when the basic KYC is submitted but documents are not uploaded
Corporate KYC
Complete KYC
The APIs below outline the KYC verification process for your Corporate users. They will enable you to initiate the Corporate KYC process, upload the necessary documents and submit them for verification with Vauld.

The prerequisites for this Corporate KYC process are:

1. A valid Nation identity document of the Director(s) of the company, upto 4 Directors can be uploaded/verified - images (front and back)
2. Company incorporation certificate - pdf
3. Directors equity split document - pdf
4. Directors resolution document - pdf
5. Fund Source document - pdf
Initiate Corporate KYC verification process
This API initiates the Corporate KYC process for a user
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
success true/false
Request for upload url
This API provides you with URLs to which you will have to upload the user’s documents
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
nationalIDDirector1Front URL to upload front side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector1Back URL to upload back side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector2Front URL to upload front side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector2Back URL to upload back side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector3Front URL to upload front side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector3Back URL to upload back side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector4Front URL to upload front side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
nationalIDDirector4Back URL to upload back side of selected document while initiating kyc process Document type expected: Image
incorporationCert URL to upload Company incorporation certificate Document type expected: PDF
dirEquitySplit URL to upload Directors equity split document Document type expected: PDF
dirResolution URL to upload Directors resolution document Document type expected: PDF
fundSource URL to upload Source of Funds document Document type expected: PDF
Upload images/documents
HTTP PUT Request
  1. Upload the image/document to the URL received from the previous step via a PUT request.
  2. The URL is signed and will expire in 30 minutes.
    • In case of an event of a URL expiring, Please do generate a new URL via the previous step.
    • In the case of an event of a URL expiring, documents successfully uploaded would be not required to be reuploaded.
  3. Images should be in the JPG/JPEG format.
  4. Documents should be in the PDF.
  5. File sizes should not exceed a maximum of 5 MB
  6. Upload the image/document to the URL received from the previous step via a PUT request.
Submit Corporate KYC
  1. This endpoint needs to be called so that Vauld can verify the Corporate KYC of a user once all the documents are submitted
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Comments
data Data that was machine read from the uploaded document.
Deposit/Withdraw Module
Integrate Instant Payment SDK (Deprecated)
Add this script in the head section of your index.html
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
This SDK is for test environment. You may request us for the production SDK after successfully integrating and testing the functionality. You can initiate an instant payment by the following function that is exposed via BoH object on the window
window.BoH.makeInstantPayment(paymentRequest, 'paymentEl', successCallbackFn, errorCallbackFn);
Method Parameters
Parameter Comments
paymentRequest A javascript object with the following key value pairs:
  amount: 100.50,
  userID: 'The userID returned while creating the user
          (NOTE: Completing the users KYC is a mandatory
          prerequisite for this API)',
  orgID: 'Your organisation ID (contact [email protected]
          if you do not have one)',
  apiKey: 'Your API key'

The amount passed should be a valid javascript number
paymentEl The id of the html DOM element (preferably a full width div element) in which the payment page would be rendered on the website
successCallbackFn The javascript callback function to be invoked in case of a successful transaction. The response object passed as the argument to the function would be of the format:
  status: 'success',
  message: 'The server message',
  amount: 'The amount that has been added to the users
          INR balance',
  updatedBalance: 'The updated balance in the INR wallet
                  after crediting the amount'
errorCallbackFn The javascript callback function to be invoked in case of a failed transaction. The response object passed as the argument to the function would be of the format:
  status: 'fail',
  message: 'The server message',
  amount: 'The amount for which payment was attempted'
You can cancel an ongoing payment by invoking the following method:
Submit deposit confirmation
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user (NOTE: Completing the users KYC is a mandatory prerequisite for this API)
paymentID RTGS/IMPS/NEFT reference id
amount Amount in INR transferred for deposits
Response Data
Parameter Comments
txnID Reference ID for submitted deposit entry
Add withdraw bank account details
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
name Name of account holder
accountNumber Account number
ifsc IFSC code
Response Data
Parameter comments
accountID ID for the account just added. Pass this along when requesting withdrawal
status Approved/Rejected
error if rejected, reason for rejection
Remove withdraw bank account details
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
bankAccountID ID generated while adding bank account details, Alternative this can be fetched from userDetails response in withdrawBankDetails section.
Response Data
Parameter comments
accountDetails Updated account details array of object
Request withdrawal
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user (NOTE: Completing the users KYC is a mandatory prerequisite for this API)
bankAccountID Bank account ID
amount Amount in String
Response Data
Parameter comments
message Comments for readability of the transaction
txnID Reference ID for submitted withdrawal entry
Buy/Sell Module
Fetch Price
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
      "pair": "BTC/INR",
      "bid": "909657.04",
      "ask": "909784.70"
      "pair": "XRP/INR",
      "bid": "24.06",
      "ask": "24.06"
      "pair": "XLM/INR",
      "bid": "8.49",
      "ask": "8.49"
      "pair": "TUSD/INR",
      "bid": "78.23",
      "ask": "78.24"
      "pair": "USDC/INR",
      "bid": "78.23",
      "ask": "78.24"
      "pair": "BAT/INR",
      "bid": "20.18",
      "ask": "20.21"
      "pair": "PAX/INR",
      "bid": "78.23",
      "ask": "78.24"
      "pair": "ETH/INR",
      "bid": "31283.36",
      "ask": "31285.71"
      "pair": "DAI/INR",
      "bid": "79.42",
      "ask": "79.46"
      "pair": "BUSD/INR",
      "bid": "78.24",
      "ask": "78.25"
Current bid and ask for token pairs, 'bid' and 'ask' is in INR
Get Token Exchange Amount
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
amount Amount is in base value, Eg: if 1 ETH is required, pass 1000000000000000000
type 'buy'/'sell'
token Symbol of token supported by our platform
Response Data
Parameter Comments
baseToken Token symbol which is getting exchanged
quoteToken Token symbol to which exchange is desired
baseAmount 'baseAmount' is in base value. Eg: 1 ETH will be 1000000000000000000
quoteAmount 'quoteAmount' is in base value. Eg: 1 ETH will be 1000000000000000000
exType Type of exchange
Create order
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
type buy/sell
token Name of token “btc”, ”eth” etc
inrAmount INR value
tokenAmount tokenAmount (amount is in base value, e.g if 1 ETH is required, pass 1000000000000000000)
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
orderID value Order ID of the order placed. Can be used to track transaction
Get order status
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user (NOTE: Completing the users KYC is a mandatory prerequisite for this API)
orderID ID of the order placed
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
orderStatus success/failed/pending
type buy/sell
depositToken btc Name of token “btc”, ”eth” etc
destinationToken inr Name of token “btc”, ”eth”, "inr" etc
depositAmount Deposit token value
destinationAmount Destination token value
Get all Orders
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
    depositToken: "inr",
    depositAmount: "900"
    destinationToken: "eth"
    destinationAmount: "5482340366431509"
status : openOrder , complete, refunded, failed

type : buy, sell

depositAmount / destinationAmount : INR token is rupee denominated and crypto amounts are base value ( e.g wei for ETH )
Internal INR Transfer
This API can be used to internally transfer funds among your users, at zero transaction fees.
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
receiverUserID The userID of the receiver
amount Amount to Send
token Please send 'INR'. For sending cryptocurrency use /wallets/send endpoint.
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
txnID This is the transactionID for debit of token amount from the user's account.
For events like user creation, balance change, kyc updates, apart from receiving the details from REST calls, updates are pushed to the webhook URL as well for tracking of such updates.
The default template of webhook sent to the requested URL:
         … //Relevant data in json format pertaining to event type
Event Types
Event Name Comments
user Updates related to users, such as creation of users.
kyc Updates related to kyc, such as when kyc is accepted or rejected.
fiat Updates related to deposits and withdrawal of fiat currencies
crypto Updates related to deposits and withdrawal of crypto tokens.
SubEvent Types
Event Name Comments
userCreated On creation of new user
status Change in kyc status
aadharVerification Aadhar verification data on kyc verification
voterIDVerification VoterID data on kyc verification
passportVerification Passport data on kyc verification
panVerification PAN data on kyc verification
selfieVerification Selfie verification data
deposit On deposit of fiat / crypto tokens
withdrawal On Withdrawal of fiat / crypto tokens
internalTransfer Internal crypto transfer is processed between users of the same organizationID
Add Webhook URL
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
webhookUrl URL where webhooks updates can be received via POST call.
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
message Webhook added successfully On Successful creation of webhook
Test Webhook URL
To test if the added URL is properly receiving request
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
message Request sent successfully On Successful send of testData.
Test data sent :

Crypto <> Crypto Module
Get Rates for all Pairs
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
  "pair": "BTC/DAI",
  "ask": 37653.7595,
  "bid": 36863.937,
  "pair": "BTC/USDT",
  "ask": 37675.8785,
  "bid": 36929.8115,

Token before the slash(/) is to receive, i.e. buy, and token after the slash(/) is sell
Get Rates a single Pair
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
pair Token pair whose exchange rate is expected
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
  "pair": "BTC/USDT",
  "ask": 37678.1005,
  "bid": 36931.9896
Token before the slash(/) is to receive, i.e. buy, and token after the slash(/) is sell
Create order
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
type buy/sell based on pair convention
depositToken Name of token “btc”, ”eth”
depositAmount Deposit token amount
destinationToken Name of token “btc”, ”eth”
destinationAmount Destination token amount
pairObject Pair data received from previous step
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
orderID Order ID of the order placed. Can be used to track transaction
Get order status
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
orderID ID of the order placed
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
orderID ID of the order placed
status completed/failed/pending
depositToken Name of token “btc”, ”eth” etc
destinationToken Name of token “btc”, ”eth” etc
depositAmount Deposit token value
destinationAmount Destination token value
pair Token pair used
Get all Orders
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
    "orderID": "60c3885da0851c0023c3ebf7",
    "depositToken": "btc",
    "destinationToken": "usdt",
    "depositAmount": 0.00040742,
    "destinationAmount": 14.97,
    "status": "complete",
    "createdAt": "2021-06-11T15:59:25.545Z",
    "exType": "swap",
    "pair": "BTC/USDT",
    "percentExecuted": 100
An array of all the orders placed, each entry will be an object consisting of following details.
Cancel order
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
orderID ID of the order placed
Response Data
Parameter Value
success true/false
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
token tokenName
amount Amount to withdraw
receiver Address to send token to
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
txnID value TxnID to track txns
Get transaction status
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
txnID txnID received while trying to send
Response Data
Parameter Value Comments
status success/failed/pending
txnHash transaction hash txn hash will be sent if success
Get network fees
To fetch dynamic network fees prevalent at the time of doing the transaction.
Request Parameters
Parameter Comments
orgID Your organisation ID (contact [email protected] if you do not have one)
userID The userID returned while creating the user
token Token to be sent ( e.g eth, btc)
receiver Receiver address where token is to be sent
sender Vauld platform address from which request is to be initiated
amount Amount to be sent in base value ( For 1 ETH 1000000000000000000 needs to be passed
Response Data
Parameter Comments
fees Fees required for the passed variables in base value ( For 1 ETH 1000000000000000000 will be returned)
If you have an already existing wallet, you can use the given API's to enable borrowing for your users.
Organization can request to create an order, add or withdraw collateral and withdraw or payback the loan anytime they like using this partner API
Use this API key :
cnNmNUn8lZX/pfyKarFOTiDhC1BTOuc7dhr4a1Jrq7YkU3LeCro/v0qCbHoTjJrDW/vwETDeHCpyge1QkFZ8Sw== instead of _your_APIKey_ on the platform for accessing borrowing APIs
Use this orgID :
5def6d1b5e29efdb099933fb instead of _your_orgID_ with the above API key for accessing borrowing APIs
Borrowing Module
Create Order
This endpoint creates a borrowing order for the collateral token.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/createNewOrder
Query Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
collateralToken yes Collateral token
loanToken yes Token in which you want to receive the loan
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
collateralDepositAddress Address at which collateral token needs to be sent to activate the order
loanRepaymentAddress Address at which loaned out token needs to be repaid partly or fully
interestRate Annual rate of interest for the loan
orderID orderID for the borrow order, which can be used for fetching details of the order
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
	"data": {
    	"collateralDepositAddress": "0xce6A74eFaE4a9047Ae63ddb3e94f23e4652606b2",
      "loanRepaymentAddress": "0xce6A74eFaE4a9047Ae63ddb3e94f23e4652606b2",
      “interestRate” : 8,
    	"orderID": "5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784"
Get Borrowing Rates
This endpoint gives out borrowing rates for specified token, if the token parameter is not passed , all supported tokens borrow rates will be returned.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/getRates
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your Organisation ID
token yes Coin for which borrow rates needs to be fetched
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains coin specific details
[token] Token name
interestRates Current borrowing interest rate for the fetched token
JSON response object format:
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "tusd": {
            "interestRate": 10
        "btc": {
            "interestRate": 8
        "dai": {
            "interestRate": 10
        "eth": {
            "interestRate": 8
Get order details
This endpoint gives out order details for the created borrowing order.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/getOrderDetails
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
orderID yes orderID of one of the order created by your organisation
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
[token] Token name
orderID Order ID of the order
collateralToken Current collateral amount, in token base value
loanToken Loan token
loanAmount Current loan amount that has been loaned out in lieu of collateral token, in token base value
status It can be active, liquidated and paid depending on current state of the loan
collateralRatio Percentage of Total collateral token value by Total loan value. Less than 150% is unsafe, Below 200% is moderately safe, Above 200% is safe, Automated liquidation at 110%.
interestRate Interest rate of loan
withdrawableCollateral Collateral that can be withdrawn while maintaining minimum recommended collateral ratio of 150%
withdrawableLoan Loan that can be withdrawn while maintaining minimum recommended collateral ratio of 150%
interest Pending interest on the loan, in loaned out token
txns All transactions on the passed order ID including deposits, repayments and withdrawals.
JSON response object format:
data: {
  	“orderID”: “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
  	“collateralToken”: “eth”,
  	"collateralAmount": 10000000000000,
  	"loanToken": "tusd",
  	"loanAmount": 20000000,
  	"status": "active",
  	"collateralRatio": 230,
  	"interestRate": 8,
  	"interest": 23879,
            “withdrawableCollateral” : 1231749,
            “withdrawableLoan”: 1649164
  	"txns": {
        	deposits: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
     	withdrawals: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
     	repayments: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”

Get all Orders
This endpoint gives a brief overview of all the borrowing orders associated with the organisation.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/getAllOrders
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
orderID orderID for the borrow order, which can be used for fetching details of the order
collateralRatio Percentage of Total collateral token value by Total loan value. Less than 150% is unsafe, Below 200% is moderately safe, Above 200% is safe, Automated liquidation at 110%.
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
	"data": [
                        “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
                        “collateralRatio”: 130,
                        “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
                        “collateralRatio”: 230,
                        “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
                        “collateralRatio”: 111,
                        “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
                       “collateralRatio”: 190,
Withdraw Collateral
This endpoint enables you to withdraw extra collateral added while maintaining a minimum of 150% collateralization ratio.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/withdrawCollateral
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
orderID yes OrderID of the order one wishes to withdraw from
withdrawalAddress yes Address where the withdrawn amount needs to be sent
amount yes Amount of token in base value of token associated with the order
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
token Coin associated with the order
orderID order ID of the order
withdrawalTxnHash Transaction hash for the withdrawal transaction
collateralToken Collateral token
collateralAmount Current collateral amount, in token base value
loanToken Loan token
loanAmount Current loan amount that has been loaned out in lieu of collateral token, in token base value
status It can be active, liquidated and paid depending on current state of the loan
collateralRatio Percentage of Total collateral token value by Total loan value. Less than 150% is unsafe, Below 200% is moderately safe, Above 200% is safe, Automated liquidation at 110%.
interestRate Interest rate of loan
withdrawableCollateral Collateral that can be withdrawn while maintaining minimum recommended collateral ratio of 150%
withdrawableLoan Loan that can be withdrawn while maintaining minimum recommended collateral ratio of 150%
interest Pending interest on the loan, in loaned out token
txns All transactions on the passed order ID including deposits, repayments and withdrawals.
JSON response object format:
data: {
  	“orderID”: “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
            “withdrawalTxnHash” : “0x7c066g62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”,
  	“collateralToken”: “eth”,
  	"collateralAmount": 10000000000000,
  	"loanToken": "tusd",
  	"loanAmount": 20000000,
  	"status": "active",
  	"collateralRatio": 230,
  	"interestRate": 8,
  	"interest": 23879,
            “withdrawableCollateral” : 1231749,
            “withdrawableLoan”: 1649164
  	"txns": {
        	deposits: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
     	withdrawals: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
     	repayments: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”

Withdraw Loan
This endpoint enables you to withdraw loan while maintaining a minimum of 150% collateralization ratio.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/withdrawLoan
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
orderID yes OrderID of the order one wishes to withdraw from
withdrawalAddress yes Address where the withdrawn amount needs to be sent
amount yes Amount of token in base value of token associated with the order
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
[token] Token name
orderID order ID of the order
withdrawalTxnHash Transaction hash for the withdrawal transaction
collateralToken Collateral token
collateralAmount Current collateral amount, in token base value
loanToken Loan token
loanAmount Current loan amount that has been loaned out in lieu of collateral token, in token base value
status It can be active, liquidated and paid depending on current state of the loan
collateralRatio Percentage of Total collateral token value by Total loan value. Less than 150% is unsafe, Below 200% is moderately safe, Above 200% is safe, Automated liquidation at 110%.
interestRate Interest rate of loan
withdrawableCollateral Collateral that can be withdrawn while maintaining minimum recommended collateral ratio of 150%
withdrawableLoan Loan that can be withdrawn while maintaining minimum recommended collateral ratio of 150%
interest Pending interest on the loan, in loaned out token
txns All transactions on the passed order ID including deposits, repayments and withdrawals.
JSON response object format:
data: {
  	“orderID”: “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
            “withdrawalTxnHash” : “0x7c066g62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”,
  	“collateralToken”: “eth”,
  	"collateralAmount": 10000000000000,
  	"loanToken": "tusd",
  	"loanAmount": 20000000,
  	"status": "active",
  	"collateralRatio": 230,
  	"interestRate": 8,
  	"interest": 23879,
            “withdrawableCollateral” : 1231749,
            “withdrawableLoan”: 1649164
  	"txns": {
        	deposits: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
     	withdrawals: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
     	repayments: [
                  	date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                  	amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                  	txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”

Close Position
This endpoint liquidated enough collateral to pay back the loan and releases the remaining collateral.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/close
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
receiverAddress yes Address to which remaining collateral should be sent.
orderID yes orderID of one of the order created by your organisation
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
txnHash Transaction hash of the transaction which released remaining collateral to receiverAddress
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
	"data": {
    	"txnHash": "0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3",
Register Webhook
This endpoint creates registers a URL for a webhook that intimates about change in collateralization ratio.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/borrowing/registerWebhook
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
orderID yes orderID of one of the order created by your organisation
url yes URL where change in collateralization ratio should be informed
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
Webhook Response
If collateral ratio below 150% and above 125%, webhook is triggered once every 2 days, if it stays the same way,
If collateral ratio drops below 125%, webhook is triggered once a day
If collateral ratio at or below 115%, webhook is triggered every 6hours
if at 110% , webhook is triggered to notify liquidation
HTTP Request
Add more collateral and pay back loan
For adding more collateral or paying back loan, send the funds to collateralDepositAddress or loanRepaymentAddress respectively. After confirmation from the blockchain, order and collateralization ratio will be automatically updated
If you have an already existing wallet, you can use the given API's to enable earn interest for your user funds.
An organization can create a lending order anytime, move funds to the wallet and withdraw the funds anytime they like.
Interest is calculated daily and paid out every week.
Use this API key :
4iW9ND4DTuIXQHhviI1UeR73B7j2LWSF/7OpNfv6QkUNgWtBLi/TT6SBsnkfu1jjhWmvReUuK66IMO3IZvRNhA== instead of _your_APIKey_ on the platform for accessing lending APIs
Use this orgID :
5dfa3971149c835840881a4b instead of _your_orgID_ with the above API key for accessing lending APIs
Lending Module
Create Order
This endpoint creates a lending order for the input token.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/lending/createNewOrder
Query Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
token yes Coin for which lend order needs to be created
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
receiverAddress Address at which token amount needs to be sent to activate the order and start earning interest
orderID orderID for the lend order, which can be used for fetching details of the order
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
	"data": {
    	"receiverAddress": "0xce6A74eFaE4a9047Ae63ddb3e94f23e4652606b2",
    	"orderID": "5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784"
Get Lending Rates
This endpoint gives out lending rates for specified token, if token parameter is not passed , all supported tokens loan rates will be returned.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/lending/getRates
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your Organisation ID
token yes Coin for which lend rates needs to be fetched
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains coin specific details
[token] Token name
interestRates Current lending interest rate for the fetched token
JSON response object format:
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "tusd": {
            "interestRate": 10
        "btc": {
            "interestRate": 8
        "dai": {
            "interestRate": 10
        "eth": {
            "interestRate": 8
Get order details
This endpoint gives out order details for the created lending order.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/lending/getOrderDetails
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
orderID yes orderID of one of the order created by your organisation
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
[token] Token name
currentPrinciple Current principle for this order in token base value
interestEarned Total interest earned for this order in token base value
interestPaidOut Total interest paid out for this order
isOrderActive True or false, depending upon whether deposit was made to the receiver address
txns This contains all the transactions associated with this order that includes deposits, withdrawals and interest payments till date.
JSON response object format:
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "token” : “eth”,
         “currentPrinciple” : “1000000000000000000”,
          “interestEarned” : “7000000000000000”,
          “interestPaidOut” : “1000000000000000”,
          “isOrderActive” : true,
       txns: {
            deposits: [
                      date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                      amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                      txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                      date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                      amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                      txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
         withdrawals: [
                      date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                      amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                      txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
                      date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                      amount: “1000000000000000000”,
                      txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”
         interestPaidOut: [
                      date: “2019-12-14T12:45:32.299Z”,
                      amount: “1000000000000000000”,
Get all Orders
This endpoint gives a brief overview of all the orders associated with the organisation.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/lending/getAllOrders
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
orderID orderID for the lend order, which can be used for fetching details of the order
token Coin associated with the order
currentPrinciple Current principle for the associated orderID
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
	"data": [
              “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
              “token” : “eth”,
              “currentPrinciple” : “10000000000000”
              “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
              “token” : “dai”,
              “currentPrinciple” : “1000025250000000”
              “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
              “token” : “tusd”,
              “currentPrinciple” : “12346000000”
              “orderID” : “5df4a0e31b9f330741a58784”,
              “token” : “btc”,
              “currentPrinciple” : “1200000”
This endpoint enables you to withdraw any amount upto a maximum of current principle associated with the order.
HTTP Request
POST {{url}}/api/v1/lending/withdraw
URL Parameters
Parameter Required Description
orgID yes Your OrganisationID
orderID yes OrderID of the order one wishes to withdraw from
withdrawalAddress yes Address where the withdrawn amount needs to be sent
amount yes Amount of token in base value of token associated with the order
Response Details
Key Description
success true or false
data Contains order specific details
orderID orderID for the lend order, which can be used for fetching details of the order
token Coin associated with the order
currentPrinciple Current principle for the associated orderID
JSON response object format:
	"success": true,
	"data": {
    “txnHash: “0x7c066b62cba0e2527748c175c7570afa36afeb38653288b00db632ce60e9cda3”